segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011


i don't fit here. that's what a realize every single day as i try to work through the system, to work with the people, to work through life as it is here in this country. i don't fit as i drive, walk, say i'm sorry and excuse me, please and thank you or even as i say good evening to the lady that opens the door every monday and weds when i arrive at the place where i take my pilates lessons. she never replies to me, she never even looks at me. and, before i'm misjudged by the previous statement, i should say that i understand the context, i understand that i'm probably the only person who looks at her, who sees her behind the desk next to the door and who acknowledges her presence. i do understand the context of many of the things i see and deal with on a daily basis. i do. but that doesn't help me accept what happens as naturally as most here do. and then, once again, i realize: i don't fit here.

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